Product Details
One Good Story, That One is a collection of 10 short stories by Greek/Cherokee writer Thomas King. The stories include One Good Story That One; Totem; Magpies; Trap Lines; How Corporal Colin Sterling Saved Blossom, Alberta, and Most of the Rest of the World as Well; The One about Coyote Going West; A Seat in the Garden; Joe the Painter and the Deer Island Massacre; A Coyote Columbus Story; and Borders. These short stories deal with themes of the Trickster, identity, injustice, family relationships, and maintaining one's cultural traditions. One story retells the Judeo-Christian creation story; another examines the bizarre world of a First Nation's woman trying to cross the United States-Canada border. There is a reinventing of the classic Columbus discovers America theme as Coyote actually discovers Columbus. This collection of stories is recommended for senior high school English Language Arts classes and university English Literature courses.